Gad Berger
Recent Tech Decisions
32 points


  • Zoom

    #<User:0x00007f9d3cb5c3a0> DigitalPermits

    Zoom is a video conferencing service that helps us work as a remote team. We typically do quick one-on-one meetings with zoom, and a weekly group huddle where we can share our screens and see everyone on the conference in a grid view. One of the reasons we prefer it over other solutions is that it has a really great screen share and remote control feature. The video quality is very high, and as a remote team we can do the occasional pair programming with remote control feature.

  • Visual Studio

    #<User:0x00007f9d3d18ef70> DigitalPermits

    We are an ASP.NET shop, so it is fitting that we use Visual Studio. The biggest advantage that VS gives us is the first-class debugger, and the ReSharper refactoring tools. We do use Sublime, Brackets, Vim, Emacs, and other editors in conjunction with VS since VS does can take a long time to load.

  • TeamCity

    #<User:0x00007f9d3d1a9ed8> DigitalPermits

    TeamCity is our main continuous integration server. It starts creating builds and running tests based on commits that we make in our hosted bitbucket repositories. From there, we have a set of configuraitons that can deploy the built and tested artifacts (web app, batches, db, etc...) to a stage or production server. We still release manually, but we release often, and TeamCity has nice features to help us roll back when things don't work out as planned.

  • Loggly

    #<User:0x00007f9d3f2791b8> DigitalPermits

    We log things of importance to loggly. It's a nice one-stop place to search into errors, exceptions, and expectations.

  • Jira

    #<User:0x00007f9d3f332320> DigitalPermits

    We use a combination of Scrum and Kanban for our tasks. We focus more on the integration with Bitbucket to keep track of tasks and have bi-directional accountability.

  • Confluence

    #<User:0x00007f9d40600150> DigitalPermits

    All of our (Engineering) knowledge is in Confluence. We document our thinking, our architecture, support recipes, trip notes, anything and everything. It's very important in a remote setting, to be have this type of knowledge store.

  • Datadog

    #<User:0x00007f9d40715158> DigitalPermits

    We just started looking into Datadog, but from what we see, it's like New Relic meets Loggly. It's really easy to plugin different services (like the one on this list) and get detailed analysis of what is happening on your servers and services. It makes tracking down sparse and difficult to understand problems possible.

  • HipChat

    #<User:0x00007f9d407a6f40> DigitalPermits

    Everyone in our company uses HipChat. From our help center to our engineering department, we do most of our internal conversations in hipchat rooms. Also as a remote engineering team, it is super useful to have a service like this so that conversations are logged and in the open.