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Preeti Yuankrathok

Software Consultant at CODIUM
Software Consultant at CODIUM·

ESLint and Prettier should provide you a clean, beautiful, less-bug code but there are some (as I can think of) that SonarQube could help improving your code more, which are:

  • "Security Hotspot" such as detecting plain credentials in source code, regex validation, and etc, which both can't detect for.
  • finding "Code Smell" (code which might lead into a bug) in your source code
  • finding vulnerability, for example, bad configuration and weak cipher.
  • finding a block of code which might cost you a bad performance, for example, nested loops.
  • a lot more.

Sometimes SonarQube checks might be annoying, but after you adjusted it to fit with your coding style, it should be very useful!

7 upvotes·471 views
Software Consultant at CODIUM·

If you're interested in Python, I would say that Django is the best choice for a framework written in Python because it comes with lots of ready-to-use features. PostgreSQL is also a great choice for database too. It has many extensions and many advantages when using with Django (ArrayField, and etc.). Our company have been using this stack very long time and it works great!

4 upvotes·1.2K views
Software Consultant at CODIUM·

From my past experience, I've used TypeORM and Prisma before and found that Prisma is doing great with CRUD operation, you won't need to code much to save and read the data. And the benefit of Prisma is a single entity definition will do it all. You don't need to define a type, you don't need to define a DTO. Prisma also do t the migration as well. The (little) downsides I found for Prisma were that we need to define every entity in a "single" file, we also cannot do many operations with the queried entity since it's just an object with type, you cannot manipulate it much.

In contrast with Prisma, TypeORM allows you more flexible entity definition and more advanced SQL query (TypeORM has a built-in query builder to build a custom SQL and execute with the database, Prisma has only a "raw" function to execute raw SQL.).

In conclusion, if your application is basically a CRUD operation, with no (or few) complex SQL queries, simple and few entities, I'd recommend Prisma. Its syntax is beautiful, easy-to-use, and will make you develop faster.

3 upvotes·3.1K views
Software Consultant at CODIUM·

Hi! I think most of your questions led to these answers:

  • Mobile software developers don't responsible for the back-end part, or even graphic design. Of course, the back-end part should be done by a back-end developer. The graphic design, I'd say that if you work on a start-up, you might be the one who does since there isn't much manpower there, but in the larger company, they would have a designer especially in UI/UX. You'll have a mockup for the application that you need to follow. As a developer, you're expected to code, not design.

  • I've said that the responsibility isn't yours, but of course, you'll have an advantage over others if you know UI/UX, or back-end as well. That would help you a lot to be a good mobile developer.

Good luck!

2 upvotes·96.3K views
Software Consultant at CODIUM·

If the application is simple such as less endpoint or simple logic, I'd suggest Flask. But what you're building is quite a large system that contains many logics and a lot of models. So I'd suggest you with Django and Django REST framework. Django ORM is also one of the best ORM in the world as well.

2 upvotes·68.6K views