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I will highly recommend Kotlin. I have worked with all three intensely and so far the development speed and simplicity is the best with Kotlin. Kotlin supports coroutines out of the box. Now, it isn't something that can't be implemented in other languages but Kotlin makes it super easy to work with them. Kotlin has a bit of learning curve, so, by the time you can actually use it idiomatically chances are that you will get proficient in Java too. But once you get it, you get it, then there is no other language ;) Kotlin is backed by Google and Jetbrains team so you can expect latest programming features and good community support.

10 upvotes·1 comment·344.4K views
Adrian Challinor
Adrian Challinor
March 11th 2021 at 8:54AM

Dev Stack makes some good comments. Kotlin does have a learning curve, but once you have learnt it you will develop quality code faster.
