

Enabling great service
Prague, Czech Republic

Decisions 11

Vojtech Kopal

Head of Data at Mews Systems

Power BI is really easy to start with. If you have just several Excel sheets or CSV files, or you build your first automated pipeline, it is actually quite intuitive to build your first reports.

And as we have kept growing, all the additional features and tools were just there within the Azure platform and/or Office 365.

Since we started building Mews, we have already passed several milestones in becoming start up, later also a scale up company and now getting ready to grow even further, and during all these phases Power BI was just the right tool for us.

3 324.5K

Petr Bambušek

Head of Frontend at Mews

Microsoft has massive expertise in writing development IDEs and it's really visible. Every since they released Visual Studio Code we benefit from its constant improvements. I can't imagine writing code in anything else anymore.

3 25.3K

Petr Bambušek

Head of Frontend at Mews


This was no real choice - we switched the moment Yarn was available, and never looked back. Yarn is the only reasonable frontend package manager that's actually being developed. They even aim to heal the node_modules madness with v2! Npm is just copying its ideas on top of introducing massive bugs with every change.

2 295.7K

Petr Bambušek

Head of Frontend at Mews

Writing code without static analysis tool is like driving blind. We choosed ESLint as it's clearly state of the art on frontend and supported by large ecosystem of plugins for various specific problems.

2 25.3K