What is Apache Kudu?
Who uses Apache Kudu?
Apache Kudu Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Apache Kudu in their tech stack.
I have been working on a Java application to demonstrate the latency for the select/insert/update operations on KUDU storage using Apache Kudu API - Java based client. I have a few queries about using Apache Kudu API
Do we have JDBC wrapper to use Apache Kudu API for getting connection to Kudu masters with connection pool mechanism and all DB operations?
Does Apache KuduAPI supports order by, group by, and aggregate functions? if yes, how to implement these functions using Kudu APIs.
How can we add kudu predicates to Kudu update operation? if yes, how?
Does Apache Kudu API supports batch insertion (execute the Kudu Insert for multiple rows at one go instead of row by row)? (like Kudusession.apply(List);)
Does Apache Kudu API support join on tables?
which tool is preferred over others (Apache Impala /Kudu API) for read and update/insert DB operations?