What is AB Tasty?
Who uses AB Tasty?
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose AB Tasty in their tech stack.
Hello, I'm currently vetting new vendors for our AB Testing Capabilities. Currently, we use Conductrics, but it's not very user-friendly as far as a non-technical person setting up the campaigns. I don't consider it scalable or AGILE for our business needs, and we have a very small team so there is also some resource constraint there. We are a DTC brand and looking for ways to improve Acquisition, Engagement, and Retention through personalization and targeting optimizations. AB Tasty tool looks very user-friendly for a non-technical person. Can someone provide some insight from others' experiences with these tools? Ease of use, package flexibility, support, strategic components etc. Thanks Shari Bijaczyk
AB Tasty's Features
- Our visual editor and widget library take code out of the equation, so you can run insightful campaigns without the time commitment or hassle
- Feature flags let product managers toggle new features on or off for a controlled - or personalized - rollout
- Segment audiences to send the right message, to the person, at the right time—it's hyper-precision at hyper-speed
- Test the waters with beta programs, canary testing, and other progressive rollout methods to minimize risk and launch with a clear conscience