Sathish N
Developer | Blu Holes
Recent Tech Decisions
34 points


  • Redis

    Sathish-n hackathon

    Server-side caching to speed up our application

  • Python

    Sathish-n hackathon

    Python is the language of choice as it can numerical and statistical models at ease with well supported libraries.

  • Docker

    Sathish-n hackathon

    To containerize our application, so we can ship code with its environment everywhere and scale as required.

  • Google Analytics

    Sathish-n hackathon

    To analyze the traffic and other data related to our application.

  • Git

    Sathish-n hackathon

    Git for version control

  • Docker Compose

    Sathish-n hackathon

    Our application will consist of several containers each communicating with each other. Using docker-compose, we can orchestrate several containers at once.

  • GitHub

    Sathish-n hackathon

    We host our source code repositories on github