Ofer Elzam
Data Architect / Engineer | Intel
3 points

Tools OferE-1 is Following

Amazon S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service provides a fully redundant data storage infrastructure for storing and retrie...
GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over t...
mLab is the largest cloud MongoDB service in the world, hosting over a half million deployments on AWS, Azu...
Amazon RDS for P...
Amazon RDS manages complex and time-consuming administrative tasks such as PostgreSQL software installation...
The Docker Platform is the industry-leading container platform for continuous, high-velocity innovation, en...
Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s S...
Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for it...
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
The MySQL software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Langu...
Oracle Database is an RDBMS. An RDBMS that implements object-oriented features such as user-defined types, ...
Microsoft SQL Se...
Microsoft® SQL Server is a database management and analysis system for e-commerce, line-of-business, and da...
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of...
MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents that can vary in structure, offering a dynamic, flexible schema....
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a mess...
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects ...
It is the only complete API development environment, used by nearly five million developers and more than 1...
Started by core members of the original MySQL team, MariaDB actively works with outside developers to deliv...
Django REST fram...
It is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs.
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch....
Kafka Manager
This interface makes it easier to identify topics which are unevenly distributed across the cluster or have...
Use Airflow to author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks. The Airflow scheduler executes ...
Power BI
It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simp...
Visual Studio Code
Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform - L...
API management, design, analytics, and security are at the heart of modern digital architecture. The Apigee...
MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB Atlas is a global cloud database service built and run by the team behind MongoDB. Enjoy the flexib...
Oracle Weblogic ...
An application server for building and deploying enterprise Java EE applications with support for new featu...
AWS Glue
A fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy for customers to prepare and ...
Kafka Streams
It is a client library for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data are sto...
dbt is a transformation workflow that lets teams deploy analytics code following software engineering best ...
Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics.
Dbt (data build tool) is a command line tool that helps analysts and engineers transform data in their ware...