Avatar of Christian Maersk

Christian Maersk

CEO/Full-stack developer at QUARY Design ApS
CEO/Full-stack developer at QUARY Design ApS·

If you want an ’easy-to-learn’ and ‘fast dev’ environment I would go with React.js, Node.js, and Firebase. This is probably one of the easiest tech stacks to develop and offers great scalability without creating a complicated database structure. Furthermore, it’s almost hard to develop a react application that isn’t lightning fast.

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Harald Fauland
Harald Fauland
October 6th 2022 at 5:46PM

i disagree a little here. Svelte/Sveltekit is WAY easier to learn than REACT, but can do the same stuff also alot faster.

CEO/Full-stack developer at QUARY Design ApS·


Webflow does sadly not export animations… Therefore, the only way to achieve the same result in React is to recreate them there. Webflow DO export hover and focus transition, but that is because it is created in the CSS.

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