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Hey there 👋,

Daniel from the Prisma team here.

I think your choice of a stack would work well for your final year project.

Some recommendations: - Use PostgreSQL if you need a stable stack. Prisma support for MongoDB is currently in Preview and therefore isn't stable. Moreover, PostgreSQL being a relational database enforces a schema more strictly than MongoDB which is useful given that your data model involves multiple relations. - If your Django backend exposes a REST API, you can also expose it over the GraphQL API by proxying requests from the GraphQL API to the REST API. That way, you have a unified API for all operations. This is typically known as wrapping. - Regarding the GraphQL part, I would consider looking at Nexus and nexus-prisma.

For inspiration, check out the Prisma Examples ​repository which contains many ready-to-run examples.

Here's another fully-fledged example using Prisma, Fastify, GraphQL, and PostgreSQL: https://github.com/2color/fastify-graphql-nexus-prisma

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